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CBSE Class 9 Comprehension and Composition Revision Notes for Article Writing

Introduction to Article Writing

What is an Article? 

 An article is a piece of writing that is included in newspapers, magazines or journals alongside other written works.  

 Functions of an article:

  • Inform the reader about an idea, phenomenon and piece of news or information
  • Present an opinion
  • Present an objective analysis
  • Used for descriptive purposes 


Characteristics of an article:

  • Can be formal or informal depending on who the readers are
  • Is less formal than a report
  • Is well researched and the facts are true 


Format of an Article  





How to Write an Article

  • Before writing, ask four questions:
    • What is the topic?
    • What is the purpose of the article?
    • What tone should be employed?
    • What is the word limit?



  • Brainstorm for ideas. Ask questions. 



  • Create an outline on the basis of the questions. 



  • Think of a suitable title that reflects the main idea of the article.

  • Use transition words and phrases to connect the points of your article. 

  • Structure your article by dividing your points into three parts—introduction, body and conclusion



