CBSE Class 9 Biology Tissues
Plant Tissues - Structure and Function
Group of cells performing a specific function constitute tissues.
Plant tissues are classified as meristematic and permanent tissues.
Meristematic tissues keep on dividing and form new cells.
Simple supporting permanent tissues are parenchyma, collenchymas and Sclerenchyma. Their main function is to provide turgidity and mechanical strength to plant.Protective and Complex Plant Tissues
Epidermis and cork are the protective tissues of the plants.
The plants have special conducting tissue in form of vascular bundles which are up of xylem and phloem tissue.
Xylem conducts water and minerals and phloem conducts food from leaves to various parts of the plant.Protective Tissue in Animals
The covering or protective tissues are epithelial tissues with tightly packed cells resting on basement membrane.
Squamous, columnar, ciliated, cuboidal and glandular epitheliums are the types of epithelial tissue.
Each of these epithelia has structures appropriately modified to suit their functions.Connective Tissue in Animals
Blood has a liquid matrix-plasma in which RBC, WBC and platelets are suspended.
Its main function is to transport gases, nutrients, hormones and excretory products in the body.
Bone is a rigid connective tissue made up of calcium and phosphorus.
Tendons connect muscle to bones while ligaments join bones to bones. Adipose tissue stores fat globules under the skin.Specialised Animal Tissues
Striated muscles are voluntary, attached to bones and show alternate dark and light striations.
Smooth muscles are involuntary, present in visceral organs and without any striations.
Nervous tissue is specialized to transmit impulses in animal body.