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CBSE Class 9 Answered

What values do we learn from the poem 'road not taken' and why is it an appropriate title?
Asked by Harshita Singh | 29 Sep, 2015, 01:53: PM
answered-by-expert Expert Answer
The poem The Road Not Taken broadly symbolises situations in life when we have to choose between two things. These two things may refer to major things like people, career choices, educational prospects, or any minor things like which games to play, which attire to choose, where to go out for dinner, etc. Through this poem, the poet tries to tell his readers that no matter which way/path you choose, you will always wonder ''what would have happened if I had chosen the other path?" Therefore, the path that you choose will no doubt make a difference in your life. However, the path that you didn't choose will also leave some impact in your life later. 
Answered by Snehal Naik | 30 Sep, 2015, 09:35: AM
CBSE 9 - English
Asked by Harshita Singh | 29 Sep, 2015, 01:53: PM
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