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ICSE Class 8 Answered

Of the trees in a garden 60% of them are mango trees and the rewstare litchi trees.30 of the mango trees are cut and 30 litchi trees are planted. If there are now 45% of mango trees, then  what is the total number of trees in the garden?
Asked by renushivanshe | 21 Aug, 2020, 01:08: PM
answered-by-expert Expert Answer

Let the total no. of trees in 100x

60% are the mango trees. So, the number of mango trees = 60x 

30 mango trees were cut down. So, the remaining mango trees = 60x - 30 

As 30 cut down & 30 planted, so total trees left = 100x

Now, there are 45% of mango trees

So, 60x - 30 = 45x

15x = 30

x= 2

100x = 200

Hence, the number of total trees = 200

Answered by Renu Varma | 23 Aug, 2020, 08:42: PM
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