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CBSE Class 9 Answered

Mrs Anita invested some part of 52000 rupees at 4% and rest at5% interest for one year.Altogether hwr gain was Rs 2320.Find out the amounts she had invested at two different rates    
Asked by Rizuali_14 | 09 May, 2019, 07:17: AM
answered-by-expert Expert Answer
begin mathsize 16px style Mrs space Anita space invested space some space part space of space 52000 space rupees space at space 4 percent sign space and space rest space at 5 percent sign space interest space for space one space year. Altogether space hwr space gain space was space Rs space 2320. Find space out space the space amounts space she space had space invested space at space two space different space rates

Let space straight x space and space left parenthesis 52000 space minus space straight x right parenthesis space are space the space amounts space she space had space invested space at space two space different space rates.
straight I subscript 1 space equals space fraction numerator straight P space cross times space straight R space cross times space straight N over denominator 100 end fraction equals space fraction numerator straight x space cross times space 4 space cross times 1 over denominator 100 end fraction space equals space fraction numerator 4 straight x over denominator 100 end fraction space space space... space space left parenthesis straight i right parenthesis
straight I subscript 2 space equals space fraction numerator straight P space cross times space straight R space cross times space straight N over denominator 100 end fraction equals space fraction numerator left parenthesis 52000 space minus space straight x right parenthesis space cross times space 5 cross times 1 over denominator 100 end fraction space equals space fraction numerator 52000 space minus space 5 straight x over denominator 100 end fraction space space space... space space left parenthesis ii right parenthesis

straight I subscript 1 space space plus space straight I subscript 2 space space space equals space 2320 space space... space given
From space left parenthesis straight i right parenthesis space & space left parenthesis ii right parenthesis comma space we space get
fraction numerator 4 straight x over denominator 100 end fraction plus fraction numerator 52000 space minus space 5 straight x over denominator 100 end fraction space equals space 2320
rightwards double arrow space 4 straight x space space space plus space 52000 space minus space 5 straight x space equals space 232000
rightwards double arrow space straight x space equals space 28000 space and space 52000 space minus space straight x space equals space 52000 space minus space 28000 space equals space 24000
Therefore space Mrs space Anita space invested space Rs. space 28000 space space at space 4 percent sign space and space 24000 space space at space 5 percent sign space interest space for space one space year.
end style
Answered by Yasmeen Khan | 09 May, 2019, 10:31: AM
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