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Class 10 SELINA Solutions Maths Chapter 6 - Solving (simple) Problems (Based on Quadratic Equations)

Solving (simple) Problems (Based on Quadratic Equations) Exercise Ex. 6(A)

Solution 1(a)

Correct Option: (iii) 2 and 3

Let the natural numbers be x and 5 – x

Hence, sum of its reciprocals

Solution 1(b)

Correct Option: (iv) 4 and 6

Let numbers be x and (x+2).

Product = 24


x(x+2) = 24

∴ x2 + 2x – 24 = 0

∴ (x+6)(x-4)=0

∴ x = -6 and x = 4

As x is a whole number, hence x = 4

Thus numbers are 4 and 6.

Solution 1(c)

Correct Option: (ii) 4 and 5 or -4 and -5

Let x and (x+1) are two integers.


x2 + (x+1)2 = 41

∴ x2 + x2 + 2x + 1 = 41

∴ 2x2 + 2x - 40 = 0

∴ x2 + x - 20 = 0


∴ x = -5 or x = 4

∴ Integers are -5 and -4 or 4 and 5.

Solution 1(d)

Correct Option: (i) 5 or 1 fifth

Let the number be x.


Solution 1(e)

Correct Option: (iv) -4 and -6 or 6 and 4

Let integers be x and x + 2.


x2 + (x+2)2 = 52

∴ 2x2 + 4x + 4 – 52 = 0

∴ x2 + 2x + 2 – 26 = 0

∴ x2 + 2x – 24 = 0

∴ (x+6)(x-4)=0

∴ x = -6 or x = 4

∴ Integers are -6 and -4 or 6 and 4.

Solution 1(f)

Correct Option: (i) 5

Work done by A in one day = 1/5

Work done by B in one day =

Days required to complete the work together =  days.

Thus work completed in one day together =


Solution 2

Let the two numbers be x and x + 5.

From the given information,

x2 + (x + 5)2 = 97

2x2 + 10x + 25 - 97 = 0

2x2 + 10x - 72 = 0

x2 + 5x - 36 = 0

(x + 9) (x - 4) = 0

x = -9 or 4

Since, -9 is not a natural number. So, x = 4.


Thus, the numbers are 4 and 9.

Solution 3

Let the two parts be x and x - 15.


x = 5 One part = 5 and other part = 10

x = 10 One part = 10 and other part = 5


Thus, the required two parts are 5 and 10.

Solution 4

Let the two numbers be x and y, y being the bigger number. From the given information,

x2 + y2 = 208 ..... (i)

y2 = 18x ..... (ii)

From (i), we get y2=208 - x2. Putting this in (ii), we get,

208 - x2 = 18x

x2 + 18x - 208 = 0

x2 + 26X - 8X - 208 = 0

x(x + 26) - 8(x + 26) = 0

(x - 8)(x + 26) = 0

x can't be a negative number , hence x = 8

Putting x = 8 in (ii), we get y2 = 18 x 8=144

y = 12, since y is a positive integer

Hence, the two numbers are 8 and 12.

Solution 5

Let the consecutive positive odd numbers be x and x + 2.

From the given information,

x2 + (x + 2)2 = 74

2x2 + 4x + 4 = 74

2x2 + 4x - 70 = 0

x2 + 2x - 35 = 0

(x + 7)(x - 5) = 0

x = -7, 5


Since, the numbers are positive, so, x = 5.

Thus, the numbers are 5 and 7.

Solution 6

Let the required fraction be.

From the given information,

Since, the fraction is positive, x = 2

 Thus, the required fraction is .

Solution 7

Given, three positive numbers are in the ratio

Let the numbers be 6x, 4x and 3x.

From the given information,

(6x)2 + (4x)2 + (3x)2 = 244

36x2 + 16x2 + 9x2 = 244

61x2 = 244

x2 = 4

x =


Since, the numbers are positive, so x = 2.

Thus, the numbers are 12, 8 and 6.

Solution 8

Let the two parts be x and y.

From the given information,

x + y = 20

3x2 = (20 - x) + 10

3x2 = 30 - x

3x2 + x - 30 = 0

3x2 - 9x + 10x - 30 = 0

3x(x - 3) + 10(x - 3) = 0

(x - 3) (3x + 10) = 0

x = 3,

Since, x cannot be equal to, so, x = 3.


Thus, one part is 3 and other part is 20 - 3 = 17.

Solution 9

Let the numbers be x - 1, x and x + 1.

From the given information,

x2 = (x + 1)2 - (x - 1)2 + 60

x2 = x2 + 1 + 2x - x2 - 1 + 2x + 60

x2 = 4x + 60

x2 - 4x - 60 = 0

(x - 10) (x + 6) = 0

x = 10, -6


Since, x is a natural number, so x = 10.


Thus, the three numbers are 9, 10 and 11.

Solution 10

Let the numbers be p - 1, p and p + 1.

From the given information,

3(p + 1)2 = (p - 1)2 + p2 + 67

3p2 + 6p + 3 = p2 + 1 - 2p + p2 + 67

p2 + 8p - 65 = 0

(p + 13)(p - 5) = 0

p = -13, 5


Since, the numbers are positive so p cannot be equal to -13.

Thus, p = 5.

Solution 11

Work done by A in one day =

Work done by B in one day =

Together A and B can do the work in 15 days. Therefore, we have:


Since, x cannot be negative.

Thus, x = 24.

Solution 12

Let one pipe fill the cistern in x hours and the other fills it in (x - 3) hours.


Given that the two pipes together can fill the cistern in 6 hours 40 minutes, i.e.,

If x =, then x - 3 =, which is not possible.

So, x = 15.


Thus, one pipe fill the cistern in 15 hours and the other fills in (x - 3) = 15 - 3 = 12 hours.

Solution 13

Let the smaller part be x.

Then, (larger part)2 = 8x

\ larger part =

Now, the sum of the squares of both the terms is given to be 208


Thus, the required number is 2 + 4 = 6.

Solving (simple) Problems (Based on Quadratic Equations) Exercise Ex. 6(B)

Solution 1(a)

Correct Option: (ii) 4 m and 10 m

Let length of rectangle be x m

Hence, breadth will be m

Thus, x = 10 or 4

And sides are 10 m and 4 m.

Solution 1(b)

Correct Option: (i) 6 m

By Pythagoras theorem

x2 + (x+2)2 = 100

∴ 2x2 + 4x + 4 = 100

∴ x2 + 2x + 2 = 50

∴ x2 + 2x - 48 = 0

∴ (x + 8) (x – 6) = 0

∴ x = -8 or x = 6

As sides can’t be negative, ∴ x = 6.

Solution 1(c)

Correct Option: (iii) 32 m

Let shorter side be x

We have,

10x = 60

∴ x = 6

∴ Perimeter  = 2 (10 + 6) = 32

Solution 1(d)

Correct Option: (iv) 16 units

Let side of square be x.


x2 = 4x

x =  4

Perimeter = 4x = 16 units.

Solution 1(e)

Correct Option: (i) 320 m- (16 - 2x) × (20 - 2x) m2

Length of inner rectangle = (20 – 2x) m

Breadth of inner rectangle = (16 – 2x) m

Area of inner rectangle = (16 – 2x)(20 – 2x)

Thus area of shaded portion  = 320 - (16 – 2x)(20 – 2x)

Solution 2


Area of triangle = 30 cm2


But, x cannot be negative, so x = 3.

Thus, we have:

AB = 4 3 cm = 12 cm

BC = (2 3 - 1) cm = 5 cm

CA = (Using Pythagoras theorem)

Solution 3

Longer side = Hypotenuse = (3x + 1) cm

Lengths of other two sides are (x - 1) cm and 3x cm.

Using Pythagoras theorem,

(3x + 1)2 = (x - 1)2 + (3x)2

9x2 + 1 + 6x = x2 + 1 - 2x + 9x2

x2 - 8x = 0

x(x - 8) = 0

x = 0, 8

But, if x = 0, then one side = 3x = 0, which is not possible.

So, x = 8

Thus, the lengths of the sides of the triangle are (x - 1) cm = 7 cm, 3x cm = 24 cm and (3x + 1) cm = 25 cm.

Area of the triangle =

Solution 4

Let the hypotenuse of a triangle be x cm.

From the given information,

Length of one side = (x - 1) cm

Length of other side = (x - 18) cm


Using Pythagoras theorem,

x2 = (x - 1)2 + (x - 18)2

x2 = x2 + 1 - 2x + x2 + 324 - 36x

x2 - 38x + 325 = 0

x2 - 13x - 25x + 325 = 0

x(x - 13) - 25(x - 13) = 0

(x - 13) (x - 25) = 0

x = 13, 25


When x = 13, x - 18 = 13 - 18 = -5, which being negative, is not possible.


So, x = 25


Thus, the lengths of the sides of the triangle are x = 25 cm, (x - 1) = 24 cm and (x - 18) = 7 cm.

Solution 5

Let the shorter side be x m.

Length of the other side = (x + 30) m

Length of hypotenuse = (x + 60) m

Using Pythagoras theorem,

(x + 60)2 = x2 + (x + 30)2

x2 + 3600 + 120x = x2 + x2 + 900 + 60x

x2 - 60x - 2700 = 0

x2 - 90x + 30x - 2700 = 0

x(x - 90) + 30(x - 90) = 0

(x - 90) (x + 30) = 0

x = 90, -30

But, x cannot be negative. So, x = 90.

Thus, the sides of the rectangle are 90 m and (90 + 30) m = 120 m.

Solution 6

Let the length and the breadth of the rectangle be x m and y m.

Perimeter = 2(x + y) m

104 = 2(x + y)

x + y = 52

y = 52 - x


Area = 640 m2

xy = 640

x(52 - x) = 640

x2 - 52x + 640 = 0

x2 - 32x - 20x + 640 = 0

x(x - 32) - 20 (x - 32) = 0

(x - 32) (x - 20) = 0

x = 32, 20


When x = 32, y = 52 - 32 = 20

When x = 20, y = 52 - 20 = 32


Thus, the length and breadth of the rectangle are 32 m and 20 m.

Solution 7

Let w be the width of the footpath.

Area of the path = Area of outer rectangle - Area of inner rectangle

208 = (32)(24) - (32 - 2w)(24 - 2w)

208 = 768 - 768 + 64w + 48w - 4w2

4w2 - 112w + 208 = 0

w2 - 28w + 52 = 0

w2 - 26w - 2w + 52 = 0

w(w - 26) - 2(w - 26) = 0

(w - 26) (w - 2) = 0

w = 26, 2

If w = 26, then breadth of inner rectangle = (24 - 52) m = -28 m, which is not possible.

Hence, the width of the footpath is 2 m.

Solution 8

Let the width of the gravel path be w m.

Length of the rectangular field = 50 m

Breadth of the rectangular field = 40 m

Let the length and breadth of the flower bed be x m and y m respectively.


Therefore, we have:

x + 2w = 50 ... (1)

y + 2w = 40 ... (2)


Also, area of rectangular field = 50 m 40 m = 2000 m2


Area of the flower bed = xy m2

Area of gravel path = Area of rectangular field - Area of flower bed = (2000 - xy) m2


Cost of laying flower bed + Gravel path = Area x cost of laying per sq. m

52000 = 30 xy + 20 (2000 - xy)

52000 = 10xy + 40000

xy = 1200

Using (1) and (2), we have:

(50 - 2w) (40 - 2w) = 1200

2000 - 180w + 4w2 = 1200

4w2 - 180w + 800 = 0

w2 - 45w + 200 = 0

w2 - 5w - 40w + 200 = 0

w(w - 5) - 40(w - 5) = 0

(w - 5) (w - 40) = 0

w = 5, 40


If w = 40, then x = 50 - 2w = -30, which is not possible.

Thus, the width of the gravel path is 5 m.

Solution 9

Let the size of the larger tiles be x cm.

Area of larger tiles = x2 cm2

Number of larger tiles required to pave an area is 128.

So, the area needed to be paved = 128 x2 cm2 .... (1)


Size of smaller tiles = (x - 2)cm

Area of smaller tiles = (x - 2)2 cm2

Number of larger tiles required to pave an area is 200.

So, the area needed to be paved = 200 (x - 2)2 cm2 .... (2)


Therefore, from (1) and (2), we have:

128 x2 = 200 (x - 2)2

128 x2 = 200x2 + 800 - 800x

72x2 - 800x + 800 = 0

9x2 - 100x + 100 = 0

9x2 - 90x - 10x + 100 = 0

9x(x - 10) - 10(x - 10) = 0

(x - 10)(9x - 10) = 0

x = 10,

If x equals 10 over 9, then x minus 2 equals 10 over 9 minus 2 equals fraction numerator 10 minus 18 over denominator 9 end fraction equals fraction numerator minus 8 over denominator 9 end fraction, which is not possible.

Hence, the size of the larger tiles is 10 cm.

Solution 10

Let the length and breadth of the rectangular sheep pen be x and y respectively.

From the given information,

x + y + x = 70

2x + y = 70 ... (1)


Also, area = xy = 600

Using (1), we have:

x (70 - 2x) = 600

70x - 2x2 = 600

2x2 - 70x + 600 = 0

x2 - 35x + 300 = 0

x2 - 15x - 20x + 300 = 0

x(x - 15) - 20(x - 15) = 0

(x - 15)(x - 20) = 0

x = 15, 20

If x = 15, then y = 70 - 2x = 70 - 30 = 40

If x = 20, then y = 70 - 2x = 70 - 40 = 30


Thus, the length of the shorter side is 15 m when the longer side is 40 m. The length of the shorter side is 20 m when the longer side is 30 m.

Solution 11

Let the side of the square lawn be x m.

Area of the square lawn = x2 m2


The square lawn is bounded on three sides by a path which is 4 m wide.


Area of outer rectangle = (x + 4) (x + 8) = x2 + 12x + 32

Area of path = x2 + 12x + 32 - x2 = 12x + 32


From the given information, we have:


Since, x cannot be negative. So, x = 16 m.

Thus, each side of the square lawn is 16 m.

Solution 12

Let the original length and breadth of the rectangular room be x m and y m respectively.

Area of the rectangular room = xy = 300

 rightwards double arrow y equals 300 over x space space space space space space.... left parenthesis 1 right parenthesis

New length = (x - 5) m

New breadth = (y + 5) m

New area = (x - 5) (y + 5) = 300 (given)

Using (1), we have:

But, x cannot be negative. So, x = 20.

Thus, the length of the room is 20 m.

Solving (simple) Problems (Based on Quadratic Equations) Exercise Ex. 6(C)

Solution 1(a)

Correct Option: (iv) 24 km/h

Speed upstream  = Speed of boat – speed of stream

=32 – 8

= 24 km/hr

Solution 1(b)

Correct Option: (iii) 400 over straight x space hrs space and space fraction numerator 400 over denominator straight x minus 5 end fraction space hrs

Solution 1(c)

Correct Option: (iii) 15 or 25

Let the number of girls be x

Hence, the number of boys is 40 – x


x(40 – x) = 375

∴40x – x2 = 375

∴x2 – 40x + 375 = 0


∴ x = 25 or x = 15

Hence, the number of girls will be 15 or 25.

Thus, the number of boys will be 25 or 15.....(40 - 15 = 25; 40 - 25 = 15)

Hence, the correct option is (iii).

Note: The correct option provided at the back of the textbook does not match the above solution.

Solution 1(d)

Correct Option: (iii) Rs. 40

SP = CP + profit

∴ x = -140 and x = 40

Since, cost can’t be negative, we have x = 40.

Solution 1(e)

Correct Option: (ii) 20

x is positive as it denotes percentage, thus x = 20.

Solution 2

(i) Speed of ordinary train = x km/hr

Speed of express train = (x + 25) km/hr

Distance = 300 km

We know:

Time taken by ordinary train to cover 300 km =

Time taken by express train to cover 300 km =


(ii) Given that the ordinary train takes 2 hours more than the express train to cover the distance.


But, speed cannot be negative. So, x = 50.

Speed of the express train = (x + 25) km/hr = 75 km/hr

Solution 3

Let the speed of the car be x km/hr.

Distance = 36 km

Time taken to cover a distance of 36 km =


New speed of the car = (x + 10) km/hr

New time taken by the car to cover a distance of 36 km =


From the given information, we have:

But, speed cannot be negative.

So, x = 30.

Hence, the original speed of the car is 30 km/hr.

Solution 4

Let the original speed of the aeroplane be x km/hr.

Time taken to cover a distance of 1200 km =


Let the new speed of the aeroplane be (x - 40) km/hr.

Time taken to cover a distance of 1200 km =


From the given information, we have:


But, speed cannot be negative. So, x = 400.

Thus, the original speed of the aeroplane is 400 km/hr.

Solution 5

Let x km/h be the original speed of the car.

We know that,

It is given that the car covers a distance of 400 km with the speed of x km/h.

Thus, the time taken by the car to complete 400 km is

Now, the speed is increased by 12 km.

Also given that, increasing the speed of the car will decrease the time taken by 1 hour 40 minutes.




Solution 6

We know:


Given, the girl covers a distance of 6 km at a speed x km/ hr.

Time taken to cover first 6 km =


Also, the girl covers the remaining 6 km distance at a speed (x + 2) km/ hr.

Time taken to cover next 6 km =


Total time taken to cover the whole distance = 2 hrs 30 mins =


Since, speed cannot be negative. Therefore, x = 4.

Solution 7

Let the speed of goods train be x km/hr. So, the speed of express train will be (x + 20) km/hr.

Distance = 1040 km


We know:

Time taken by goods train to cover a distance of 1040 km =

Time taken by express train to cover a distance of 1040 km =


It is given that the express train arrives at a station 36 minutes before the goods train. Also, the express train leaves the station 2 hours after the goods train. This means that the express train arrives at the station before the goods train.

Therefore, we have:

Since, the speed cannot be negative. So, x = 80.


Thus, the speed of goods train is 80 km/hr and the speed of express train is 100 km/hr.

Solution 8

C.P. of the article = Rs x

S.P. of the article = Rs 16

Loss = Rs (x - 16)

We know:

Thus, the cost price of the article is Rs 20 or Rs 80.

Solution 9

C.P. of the article = Rs x

S.P. of the article = Rs 52

Profit = Rs (52 - x)

We know:

Since, C.P. cannot be negative. So, x = 40.

Thus, the cost price of the article is Rs 40.

Solution 10

Let the C.P. of the chair be Rs x

S.P. of chair = Rs 75

Profit = Rs (75 - x)

We know:

But, C.P. cannot be negative. So, x = 50.

Hence, the cost of the chair is Rs 50.

Solving (simple) Problems (Based on Quadratic Equations) Exercise Ex. 6(D)

Solution 1(a)

Correct Option: (ii) 7 and 5

35 = 7⨉5

Also both 7 and 5 is greater than 4.

Hence, the correct option is (ii).

Solution 1(b)

Correct Option: (iv) 64

Let the units and tens place digits be x - 2 and x respectively.


∴x2-2x -24 = 0


∴x = 6 or x = -4

Since digits are positive, hence x = 6, so number is 64.

Solution 1(c)

Correct Option: (i) 46

Let the unit place digit be x

Then tens place digit will be 24/x

Now, after adding 18, digits get reversed

Digits are always positive, thus x = 6, so number is 46.

Solution 1(d)

Correct Option: (iii) 25 years and 10 years

Let present age of Radha  = x

Then present age of Meena = 39 – x

By given condition


Present age of Radha  = 27

Present age of Meena = 12

Two years ago,

Age of Radha  = 25

Age of Meena = 10

Solution 1(e)

Correct Option: (iii) Rs. 8 less

Amount received per student = 320÷8 = 40

After addition of 8 more students

Amount received per student = 320÷10 = 32

Thus each student would receive Rs. 8 less.

Solution 2

Let the ten's and unit's digit of the required number be x and y respectively.

From the given information,

The digit of a number cannot be negative, so, x = 3.

Thus, the required number is 38.

Solution 3

The ages of two sisters are 11 years and 14 years.

Let in x number of years the product of their ages be 304.


But, the number of years cannot be negative. So, x = 5.

Hence, the required number of years is 5 years.

Solution 4

Let the present age of the son be x years.

Present age of man = x2 years


One year ago,

Son's age = (x - 1) years

Man's age = (x2 - 1) years


It is given that one year ago; a man was 8 times as old as his son.

(x2 - 1) = 8(x - 1)

x2 - 8x - 1 + 8 = 0

x2 - 8x + 7 = 0

(x - 7) (x - 1) = 0

x = 7, 1

If x = 1, then x2 = 1, which is not possible as father's age cannot be equal to son's age.

So, x = 7.


Present age of son = x years = 7 years

Present age of man = x2 years = 49 years

Solution 5

Let the present age of the son be x years.

Present age of father = 2x2 years


Eight years hence,

Son's age = (x + 8) years

Father's age = (2x2 + 8) years


It is given that eight years hence, the age of the father will be 4 years more than three times the age of the son.

2x2 + 8 = 3(x + 8) +4

2x2 + 8 = 3x + 24 +4

2x2 - 3x - 20 = 0

2x2 - 8x + 5x - 20 = 0

2x(x - 4) + 5(x - 4) = 0

(x - 4) (2x + 5) = 0

x = 4,

But, the age cannot be negative, so, x = 4.


Present age of son = 4 years

Present age of father = 2(4)2 years = 32 years

Solution 6

Number of oranges = y

Cost of one orange =R s.15 over y 

The servant ate 3 oranges, so Mr. Mehra received (y - 3) oranges.

So, x = y - 3 y = x + 3 ...(1)

Cost of one orange paid by Mr. Mehra = R s.15 over y plus 0.25

                                                         =R s fraction numerator 15 over denominator x plus 3 end fraction plus 1 fourth space space space space space space open square brackets U sin g space left parenthesis 1 right parenthesis close square brackets

Now, Mr. Mehra pays a total of Rs 15.

But, the number of oranges cannot be negative. So, x = 12.

Solution 7

Let the number of children be x.

It is given that Rs 250 is divided amongst x students.

So, money received by each child = Rs


If there were 25 children more, then

Money received by each child = Rs


From the given information,


Since, the number of students cannot be negative, so, x = 100.

Hence, the number of students is 100.

Solution 8

Original weekly wage of each worker = Rs x

Original weekly wage bill of employer = Rs 3150

Number of workers =


New weekly wage of each worker = Rs (x + 5)

New weekly wage bill of employer = Rs 3250

Number of workers =


From the given condition,

Since, wage cannot be negative, x = 45.


Thus, the original weekly wage of each worker is Rs 45.

Solution 9

Number of articles bought by the trader = x

It is given that the trader bought the articles for Rs. 1200.

So, cost of one article = Rs.

Ten articles were damaged. So, number of articles left = x - 10

Selling price of each of (x - 10) articles = Rs.

Selling price of (x - 10) articles = Rs. (x - 10)

Profit = Rs. 60

Number of articles cannot be negative. So, x = 100.

Solution 10

Let the number of articles bought be x.

Total cost price of x articles = Rs 4800

Cost price of one article = Rs


Selling price of each article = Rs 100

Selling price of x articles = Rs 100x


Given, Profit = C.P. of 15 articles

100x - 4800 = 15

100x2 - 4800x = 15 4800

x2 - 48x - 720 = 0

x2 - 60x + 12x - 720 = 0

x(x - 60) + 12(x - 60) = 0

(x - 60) (x + 12) = 0

x = 60, -12


Since, number of articles cannot be negative. So, x = 60.


Thus, the number of articles bought is 60.

Solving (simple) Problems (Based on Quadratic Equations) Exercise TEST YOURSELF

Solution 1(a)

Correct Option: (ii) 4 or 1 fourth

Let the number be x.

Solution 1(b)

Correct Option: (i) 15 and 3

Let one whole number be x.

Then other one will be 18 – x.



∴x2 -18x + 45 = 0


∴ x = 15 or x = 3

Solution 1(c)

Correct Option: (iii) 15 m

Let breadth is x m,

Hence length will be x + 3 m

Area = x(x+3)


∴x2 + 3x – 180 = 0

∴ (x +15)(x – 12) =0

∴ x = -15 or x = 12

As length can’t be negative, hence x = 12m which is breadth, so length will be 15 m.

Solution 1(d)

Correct Option: (iii) open parentheses x over 20 plus x over 10 close parentheses space hrs

Solution 1(e)

Correct Option: (ii) 6 hrs

Let pipe1 fills the cistern in x hrs, hence, pipe2 will fill it in (x + 3) hrs.

Part of cistern filled in 1 hr  by  pipe 1 =

Hence, part of cistern filled in 1 hr  by  pipe 2 =

Thus, together in 1 hr they will fill ½ part


∴x = 3 and x = -2

As time can’t be negative, x = 3hrs, which is time taken by pipe 1.

Thus time taken by pipe 2  = 6hrs

Solution 2

Solution 3

Solution 4

Solution 5

Solution 6

Solution 7








Solution 8

Let the present ages of father and his son be x years and (45 - x) years respectively.

 Five years ago,

Father's age = (x - 5) years

Son's age = (45 - x - 5) years = (40 - x) years

 From the given information, we have:

(x - 5) (40 - x) = 124

40x - x2 - 200 + 5x = 124

x2 - 45x +324 = 0

x2 - 36x - 9x +324 = 0

x(x - 36) - 9(x - 36) = 0

(x - 36) (x - 9) = 0

x = 36, 9

 If x = 9,

Father's age = 9 years, Son's age = (45 - x) = 36 years

This is not possible.

Hence, x = 36

Father's age = 36 years

Son's age = (45 - 36) years = 9 years

Solution 9

Let the number of rows in the original arrangement be x.

Then, the number of seats in each row in original arrangement = x

Total number of seats =x cross times x equals x squared

 From the given information,

2x(x - 10) = x2 + 300

2x2 - 20x = x2 + 300

x2 - 20x - 300 = 0

(x - 30) (x + 10) = 0

x = 30, -10

 Since, the number of rows or seats cannot be negative. So, x = 30.

 (i) The number of rows in the originalarrangement = x = 30

(ii) The number of seats after re-arrangement = x2 + 300 = 900 + 300 = 1200

Solution 10

Let the age of son 2 years ago be x years.

Then, father's age 2 years ago = 3x2 years


Present age of son = (x + 2) years

Present age of father = (3x2 + 2) years


3 years hence:

Son's age = (x + 2 + 3) years = (x + 5) years

Father's age = (3x2 + 2 + 3) years = (3x2 + 5) years


From the given information,

3x2 + 5 = 4(x + 5)

3x2 - 4x - 15 = 0

3x2 - 9x + 5x - 15 = 0

3x(x - 3) + 5(x - 3) = 0

(x - 3) (3x + 5) = 0

x = 3,

Since, age cannot be negative. So, x = 3.


Present age of son = (x + 2) years = 5 years

Present age of father = (3x2 + 2) years = 29 years

Solution 11

Solution 12

Given, the difference between two digits is 6 and the ten's digit is bigger than the unit's digit.

So, let the unit's digit be x and ten's digit be (x + 6).


From the given condition, we have:

x(x + 6) = 27

x2 + 6x - 27 = 0

x2 + 9x - 3x - 27 = 0

x(x + 9) - 3(x + 9) = 0

(x + 9) (x - 3) = 0

x = -9, 3


Since, the digits of a number cannot be negative. So, x = 3.


Unit's digit = 3

Ten's digit = 9


Thus, the number is 93.

Solution 13

Solution 14

Given that he sum of the ages of Vivek and his younger brother Amit is 47 years.

Let the age of Vivek = x

the age of Amit = 47 - x 

The product of their ages in years is 550 …. given

x(47 - x) = 550

47x - x2 = 550

x2 - 47x + 550 = 0  

x2 - 25x - 22x  + 550 = 0

x(x - 25) - 22(x - 25) = 0

(x - 25) (x - 22) = 0

x = 25 or x = 22

Given that Vivek is an elder brother.

x = 25 years = age of Vivek and

age of Amit = 47 - 25 = 22 years  


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