s-Block Element (Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals) Videos
The s-Block Elements
This video introduces s-block elements and explains the electronic configur -
The s-Block Elements
This video explains hydration enthalpy, physical and chemical properties of -
The s-Block Elements
This video contains practice questions on Group 1 elements of the s-block. -
The s-Block Elements
This video gives a general introduction to Group 2 elements, explains the e -
The s-Block Elements
This video explains ionisation enthalpy and physical properties of Group 2 -
The s-Block Elements
This video contains practice questions on Group 2 elements of the s-block. -
The s-Block Elements
This video explains anomalous behaviour of lithium and beryllium. -
The s-Block Elements
This video explains the diagonal relationship between lithium and magnesium -
The s-Block Elements
This video contains practice questions on the anomalous behaviour of lithiu -
The s-Block Elements
This video explains the preparation and uses of sodium carbonate and sodium -
The s-Block Elements
This video explains the preparation and uses of sodium hydroxide, calcium o -
The s-Block Elements
This video contains practice questions on compounds of sodium and calcium. -
The s-Block Elements
This video explains then comparison between oxides and hydroxides of alkali -
The s-Block Elements
This video explains the comparison between halides, sulphates, carbonates a -
The s-Block Elements
This video contains practice questions on general characteristics of compou