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Class 9 MAHARASHTRA STATE TEXTBOOK BUREAU Solutions Social Studies Chapter 1: Post World War Political Developments

Post World War Political Developments Exercise 63

Solution 1(A) (1)

b. International system

Solution 1(A) (2)

a. To avoid war

Solution 1(A) (3)

b. Disintegration of the Soviet Russia

Solution 2(1)

True. The League of Nations was established after the First World War to prevent any future war.

Solution 2(2)

False. The world became bipolar due to the Cold War. The Cold War divided the world into two armed camps.

Solution 2(3)


Solution 3(1)

  • Cold War was a period in which there were intense ideological differences between USSR and USA.
  • No actual wars were fought during this period, though it appeared that a war could break out at any time.
  • Cold war started after the end of the Second World War, America and Soviet Union became archrivals.
  • Their rivalry dominated the international politics and relations for next 45 years.

Solution 3(2)

  • During the Cold War, some countries decided not to join any of the military blocs. They decided to stay out of Cold War rivalry.
  • Their policy of not supporting any superpower came to be known as Non-Alignment Movement.
  • This movement was supported by many newly independent Asian and African nations.
  • NAM was founded by Prime Minister J.L. Nehru of India, President Tito of Yugoslavia and President Nasser of Egypt.

Solution 3(3)

  • Every country is dependent on other country in one way or the other. It cannot function in isolation. There are several independent countries in the world.
  • Some kind of exchanges or interactions continuously take place among them. These countries also sign treaties with one another.
  • A system of all these independent and sovereign countries together form an international system.
  • No matter how rich or a big country might be, it cannot be always self-sufficient to fulfil its requirements. Even big nations have to depend upon other big and small nations

Solution 3(4)

  • The division of nations between two super powers is called bipolarisation.
  • During the Cold War, an ideological conflict developed between the USA and the USSR. Most of the countries of the world began to join either of the two super powers.
  • This led to the division of the world into two superpowers. This is known as bipolarisation.

Solution 3(5)

  • After the end of the Cold War, trade and economic relations among the countries began to develop. Capital, labour, markets and information began circulating globally.
  • Due to technological advancements, various events began to be telecasted live.
  • As economies began to open, people started travelling and began investing in other countries' economies. All these processes have paved the way to globalisation.
  • Globalisation means the integration of the economy of the country with the world economy. It has brought the world closer to each other.

Solution 4(1)

Solution 4(2)

The reasons for the end of the Cold War in 1991 were:

  • The Soviet Union began to open up its economy for private companies also. The State began to loosen its control of the economy.
  • The then President of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev implemented the policies of Perestroika (Restructuring) and Glasnost (Openness). This reduced control over media and significant changes took place in political and economic spheres. This gave birth to democratic ideals.
  • The East European countries under the influence of Soviet Union adopted capitalist and democratic paths and hence their political regimes also changed.
  • Soviet Union disintegrated and several new countries were formed out of it.

Solution 4(3)

After the end of the Cold War, major changes took place in global politics. These were:

  • America emerged as undisputed world leader after the end of the Cold War.
  • A favourable environment prevailed for the growth of trade among nations. Capital, labour, market and information circulated throughout the world.
  • Efforts were made to establish economic relations among the nations.
  • The responsibility of the UNO (United Nations Organisation) has increased. It has taken further concrete efforts to maintain global peace and security.
  • Many issues have now come into forefront such as environmental protection, fostering of human rights, gender equality and management of natural calamities.