Laws of Motion Videos
Laws of Motion
This video explains the concept of external force, net force and Newton's f -
Newton's First Law of Motion - Part 2
This video explains inertia and the inertial, non-inertial reference frame. -
Laws of Motion
This video contains practice questions on Newton's first law of motion. -
Laws of Motion
This video explains momentum and some examples indicating that a force is n -
Laws of Motion
This video explains Newton's second law of motion, the definition of SI uni -
Laws of Motion
This video contains practice questions on Newton's second law of motion and -
Laws of Motion
This video explains impulse. -
Laws of Motion
This video explains impulse and Newton's third law of motion. -
Laws of Motion
This video contains practice questions on impulse and Newton's third law of -
Common Forces in Mechanics
This video explains body in equilibrium and resolving forces acting on a bo -
Common Forces in Mechanics
This video explains the common forces acting on an object in the study of m -
Common Forces in Mechanics
This video contains practice questions on body in equilibrium, restoring fo -
Free Body Problems
This video explains applications of a free body diagram in physics and tips -
Free Body Problems
This video describes the functioning of an Atwood machine which is an examp -
Free Body Problems
This video contains practice questions and numerical problems on the mechan -
Free Body Problems
This video explains drawing free body diagrams and the use of free body dia -
Free Body Problems
This video explains drawing a free body diagram to solve the example of ten -
Free Body Problems
This video contains practice questions and numerical problems on the use of -
This video explains friction and friction as a component of contact force p -
This video explains the advantages of static friction and the expressions o -
This video contains practice questions on static friction and kinetic frict -
Circular Motion
This video explains centripetal acceleration and dynamics of car along a sm -
Circular Motion - Part 2
This video explains the dynamics of a car along a rough road and a curved r -
Circular Motion
This video contains practice questions on centripetal forces and dynamics o