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ICSE Class 8 Maths Nets For Building 3D Shapes

In ICSE Class 8 Maths Chapter 17, learn the concept of using 2-D Nets to create 3-D shapes. Watch TopperLearning’s online concept video featuring animated characters to learn about net patterns. Through our Chapter 17 concept video, you can understand the practical applications of nets for creating 3D shapes.

Revise ICSE Class 8 Mathematics Chapter 17 to study about nets for crafting 3D shapes such as cone, cube, cylinder, square and pyramid. For Maths practice, attempt chapter-related questions in our Maths sample papers and practice tests. Our answer keys for these resources will make it easy for you to learn from your mistakes and prepare for the exams.

Class 8 Maths Representing 3-D in 2-D