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CBSE Class 9 Answered

100gm of a bag of masala peanuts contains 610 calories.Assuming the no.of packets purchased be x and total calories be y,yhen find the relationship between x and y.

Asked by ommishra763 | 22 Mar, 2016, 08:18: PM
answered-by-expert Expert Answer
100 space gms space of space straight a space packet space contains space 610 space calories rightwards double arrow In space 1 space packet space there space are space 610 space calories
So space in space straight x space packets space there space are space 610 straight x space calcories
rightwards double arrow straight y space equals space 610 straight x..... left parenthesis Since space in space straight x space packets space there space are space straight y space calories right parenthesis
Answered by Rebecca Fernandes | 23 Mar, 2016, 10:33: AM
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