CBSE Class 12 science: Ideal Solutions Videos | Solutions and Ideal Solutions
Solutions and Ideal Solutions
This video focuses on the concepts of colligative properties & vapour pressure (vp), Raoults law, ideal/non ideal solutions, numerical on relative lowering of vapour pressure.
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- what is roults law
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how this question can be answered
(p= kh*x) x is mole fraction.we have to find solubility that is how to find molarity
- relative lower vapour pressure
- pentane and heptene have a vapour pressure of 55pa and 4.8 respectively at 20oc. A mixture is known to contahoeptin 2.52g of pentane and 1400g of heptene.calculate a.the mole fraction of each components in the liquid b.the total vapour pressure of the mixture. c.the mole fraction of each component of the vapour phase
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