CBSE Class 10: Magnetic Force Videos | Principle of Electric Motor
Principle of Electric Motor
This video explains principle of working of an electric motor.
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- Show with the help of an activity that a force is exerted on the current carrying conductor when placed in a magnetic field.
- List two factors on which the strength of the magnetic field lines produced by a solenoid depends.
- How can the direction of force on a current carrying conductor placed in magnetic field be reversed?
- What is the function of commutator ring in a motor?
- According to the Fleming's left hand rule what does the first three fingers of the left hand positioned perpendicular to each other represents?
- On what principle does electric motor works?
A beam of electrons is passing a magnetic field at right angles as shown in figure. What would be the direction of force and which rule would you apply to find direction of force?
- If a magnet is brought near a current carrying conductor free at one end, would the wire move?
- When is the force on a current carrying wire maximum or minimum?