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Essay on Pollution: Effective Tips with Samples

The essay on pollution is one of the most asked questions in the exam. You must prepare all the given environmental pollution essays to get a strong command of the subject - Environmental Pollution.

Here are a few tips that will help you write a brilliant paragraph on pollution:

  1. Environment pollution paragraphs must be direct and to the point.
  2. Keep your facts and figures correct while writing an essay on pollution.
  3. Incorporate news, awareness programs to spread awareness. The best essay on pollution is written like that.
  4. To write a scoring environmental pollution essay, use correct grammar and highlight important points.
  5. Do not capitalise unnecessary common nouns while writing an essay on pollution.

Effects - Essay on pollution in 150 words  

The given below are the effects of pollution:

Air pollution: Phytochemicals smog has a deleterious effect on plants. In sunlight, various pollutants combine to form ground ozone and PAN. Sulphur dioxide can potentially damage plants by contributing to acid rain and affecting the soil organisms for nitrogen fixation.

Water Pollution: Domestic and hospital sewage contain many undesirable pathogenic microorganisms, and its disposal into water bodies without proper treatment may lead to an outbreak of serious diseases such as cholera, typhoid, dysentery, etc. 

Soil pollution: Land pollution touches essentially every area of the living world, including water that isn't safe to drink, climate change, which causes disastrous problems, including flash floods and irregular rainfalls and the endangerment and extinction of species in wildlife.

Noise Pollution: Noise is more than a mere nuisance. At certain levels and duration of exposure, it can cause physical damage to the eardrum and the sensitive hair cells of the inner ear and result in temporary or permanent hearing loss.

Prevention - Essay on pollution in 250 words 

Water, soil, air and noise are the common types of pollution degrading our environment. Let us see how to control these types of pollution in detail.

Air pollution: Devices like a filter, electrostatic precipitators, scrubbers, gravel bed filters control industrial pollution, especially particulate matter. Gaseous pollutants can be removed by absorption in a liquid using a wet scrubber, depending on the gas type. Greater promotion and use of alternative fuels such as compressed natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas and electric vehicles.

Water pollution: Water pollution can be controlled by treating industrial and sewage wastewater before discharging it into the water body. The use of less water and wasting less water can eliminate water pollution. You should promote the use of special plants like water hyacinth, which can absorb dissolved toxic elements like cadmium, etc. Using organic compost and manure instead of fertilisers and pesticides will also prevent water pollution.

Soil pollution: Given the disastrous effects of land pollution, taking preventive measures to reduce its impact moving forward is crucial. On the individual level, supporting environmentally conscious local farmers at your closest farmers' market or local grocery store can help build up business for farmers with more sustainable farming practices. Another option is to contribute to or volunteer in the urban garden in your neighbourhood.

Noise pollution: Governments can take measures to ensure correct noise management and reduce noise pollution. For example, protecting certain areas, parts of the country, areas of natural interest, etc., from noise. Opt for alternative means of transport which is less noisy and has noise-absorbing compounds. Homes and offices must be built with soundproof materials.

Causes - Essay on pollution in 400 words 

As per the Environment Protection Act, 1986, environmental pollution is defined as the presence of pollutants that may be in the form of solid, liquid or gaseous substances present in such a concentration that may be harmful to the environment. The agents which cause environmental pollution are called pollutants. Pollutants are physical, chemical or biological substances, intentionally or unintentionally released into the atmosphere, directly or indirectly harmful to humans and other living organisms. Pollution is classified under the following headings:

● Air pollution

It is defined as the presence of any solid, liquid or gaseous substance in the atmosphere in such concentration that may be directly or indirectly harmful to living organisms, plants, humans and interferes with the normal environmental process. Air pollutants are further classified into the following:

Primary pollutant is a harmful substance that directly enters the air due to human activities. For example, when coal, oil, natural gas are burnt, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide are released. These gases then enter the atmosphere. Automobiles contribute a large share of CO.

Secondary pollutants result from harmful chemical reactions of two or more air components. For example, sulphur dioxide is the primary pollutant that reacts with oxygen in the atmosphere to form the secondary pollutant, sulphur trioxide. Then sulphur trioxide reacts with water vapour in the air to form droplets of dilute sulphuric acid, which is another secondary pollutant.

● Water pollution

Water pollution is the addition of undesirable substances to water, such as organic, inorganic or biological compounds, which degrade water quality so that it becomes unfit for use. Natural sources of water pollution are soil erosion, leaching of minerals from rocks, and decaying organic matter. Discharge of wastewater from industries like petroleum, paper manufacturing, chemical manufacturing etc., often contain toxic substances, especially heavy metals, which lead to water pollution.

● Land pollution

Land pollution refers to the degradation of the land surface at or below ground level, caused by the accumulation of solid and liquid wastewater material that contaminates groundwater and soil. This waste material is often referred to as municipal waste, including hazardous and non-hazardous waste materials.

● Noise pollution

Noise pollution is unwanted or excessive sound that can harm human health, wildlife and environmental quality. Noise pollution is commonly generated inside many industrial facilities and workplaces, but it also comes from highway, railway and aeroplane traffic and other outdoor construction activities.

You must prepare the above-given essay on pollution to stand out differently from students and score more marks in the exams.
