CBSE Class 9 Answered
Write any three Euclid's postulates.
Asked by Topperlearning User | 04 Jun, 2014, 13:23: PM
Any three of these five postulates
Postulate 1: A straight line may be drawn from any one point to any other point.
Postulate 2: A terminated line can be produced indefinitely.
Postulate 3: A circle can be drawn with any centre and any radius.
Postulate 4: All right angles are equal to one another.
Postulate 5: If a straight line falling on two straight lines makes the interior angles on the same side of it taken together less than two right angles, then the two straight lines, if produced indefinitely, meet on that side on which the sum of angles is less than two right angles.
Postulate 1: A straight line may be drawn from any one point to any other point.
Postulate 2: A terminated line can be produced indefinitely.
Postulate 3: A circle can be drawn with any centre and any radius.
Postulate 4: All right angles are equal to one another.
Postulate 5: If a straight line falling on two straight lines makes the interior angles on the same side of it taken together less than two right angles, then the two straight lines, if produced indefinitely, meet on that side on which the sum of angles is less than two right angles.
Answered by | 04 Jun, 2014, 15:23: PM
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Asked by Topperlearning User | 04 Jun, 2014, 13:23: PM
CBSE 9 - Maths
Which of the Euclid's postulates implies the existence of parallel lines? Also, state the postulate.
Asked by Topperlearning User | 04 Jun, 2014, 13:23: PM