CBSE Class 8 Answered
What kinds of laws were there in ancient India?
Asked by Topperlearning User | 20 Apr, 2016, 11:32: AM
In ancient India,
- There were innumerable and often overlapping local laws.
- Different communities enjoyed different degrees of autonomy in administering these laws among themselves. The punishment that two persons received for the same crime varied depending on their caste backgrounds, with lower castes being more harshly penalised.
Answered by | 20 Apr, 2016, 13:32: PM
CBSE 8 - Civics
Asked by PratibhaVaishnav | 10 Sep, 2023, 18:32: PM
CBSE 8 - Civics
Asked by sheikhabdulrashid84 | 17 Sep, 2021, 08:30: AM
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Asked by kashifzubair82 | 15 Jul, 2021, 09:16: AM
CBSE 8 - Civics
Asked by bondebhairavi8 | 23 Oct, 2020, 10:17: AM
CBSE 8 - Civics
Asked by Topperlearning User | 20 Apr, 2016, 11:33: AM
CBSE 8 - Civics
Asked by Topperlearning User | 20 Apr, 2016, 11:33: AM
CBSE 8 - Civics
Asked by Topperlearning User | 20 Apr, 2016, 11:32: AM
CBSE 8 - Civics
Asked by Topperlearning User | 20 Apr, 2016, 11:31: AM
CBSE 8 - Civics
Asked by Topperlearning User | 20 Apr, 2016, 11:33: AM
CBSE 8 - Civics
Asked by Topperlearning User | 20 Apr, 2016, 11:34: AM