ICSE Class 10 Answered
What adjustments would you make for tuninga stringed instrument for it to emit a note of desired frequency?
Asked by kumersingh1965 | 05 Aug, 2022, 18:56: PM
In string instruments, tuning of frequency is done by adjusting the tension T in the string and length
of the vibrating part of the string.

In string instruments , wavelength λ of the sound wave produced by string is given as
λ = ( 2
/ n ) ............................ (1)

where n is number of harmonics
frequency f of sound wave , f = v / λ .............................. (2)
where v is velocity of transverse wave in string .Velocity v of transverse wave in string is given as

where T is tension in the string and μ is linear mass density ( mass per unit length )
From eqn.(1) and (2) , we get
f = n × ( v / 2

From above expression , we know that frequency depends on velocity v of transverse wave in the string and lenegth

velocity of transverse wave in the string is proportional to square root of tension T in the string.
Hence tuning of instrument to get desired frequency is done by adjusting tension T and length
of vibrating part of string .

Answered by Thiyagarajan K | 06 Aug, 2022, 08:12: AM
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