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CBSE Class 12-commerce Answered

I dont understand introduction of share capital please organise a live stream for this and I also dont see any changes after buying exam prep pack so how do I know the changes please tell me for both 
Hope I will get a positive response from you
Asked by Shruti | 08 Sep, 2017, 21:10: PM
answered-by-expert Expert Answer
Exam prep pack includes access to live classes for various commerce subjects. These classes would be starting in the month of November and would cover the entire syllabus for all the subjects (as per your enrollment). Also, we assure that all the topics including Introduction to Share Capital would definitely be covered in live streamed sessions. So, please don't worry by the time we start the live classes, you may post the relevant doubts over here (Ask the Expert portal). Also, we will be sharing the live class schedule with you very soon.
Keep posting!!
Answered by Nikhil Sehgal | 11 Sep, 2017, 10:08: AM