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JEE Class main Answered

The space value space for space crystal space field space stabilisation space energy space is space zero space for space ?
1 right parenthesis space straight K subscript 2 left square bracket MnF subscript 6 right square bracket
2 right parenthesis space straight K subscript 3 left square bracket Fe left parenthesis CN right parenthesis subscript 6 right square bracket
3 right parenthesis space straight K subscript 3 left square bracket FeF subscript 6 right square bracket
4 right parenthesis space straight K subscript 4 left square bracket Fe left parenthesis CN right parenthesis subscript 6 right square bracket
Also, wanted to know what is the relation between stability constant of complex and strength of the ligand?
Asked by g_archanasharma | 06 Apr, 2019, 11:58: AM
answered-by-expert Expert Answer
Complex Nature
Charge on central
metal ion
Configuration of
Charged metal
CFSE Value
K2[MnF6] Octahedral & weak field Ligand +4 4s0 3d3 -1.2Δ0
K3[MnF6] Octahedral & weak Field +3 4s0 3d4 -0.6Δ0
K3[Fe(CN)6] Octahedral and Strong field +3 4s0 3d5 -2.0Δ0
K4[Fe(CN)6] Octahedral & strong Field +2 4s0 3d6 -2.4Δ0
t h u s comma space n o n space o f space t h e space g i v e n space o p t i o n space w i l l space h a v e space z e r o space C F S E thin space v a l u e space minus

C F S E thin space f o r space d to the power of x space C o n f i g u r a t i o n space left parenthesis x equals space 0 space t o space 10 right parenthesis space o f space c e n t r a l space m e t a l space i o n space i n space w e a k space f i e l d space left parenthesis space w i t h space l i g a n d s space l i k e space F comma space H subscript 2 O space e t c right parenthesis space o c t a h e d r a l space c o m p l e x
i s space g i v e n space b y space minus space

space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space bold space bold italic C bold italic F bold italic S bold italic E bold thin space bold equals bold space bold left square bracket bold minus bold 0 bold. bold 4 bold italic p bold space bold plus bold 0 bold. bold 6 bold italic q bold right square bracket bold increment subscript bold 0 space space space space space w h e r e space p plus q space equals space x space left parenthesis p space i s space e l e c t r o n s space i n space t subscript 2 g end subscript space a n d space q space i s space e l e c t r o n s space i n space e subscript g space o r b i t a l s right parenthesis

E g comma space K subscript 2 left square bracket M n F subscript 6 right square bracket space a n d space K subscript 3 left square bracket M n F subscript 6 right square bracket space c o m p l e x e s.

space C F S E thin space f o r space d to the power of x space C o n f i g u r a t i o n space left parenthesis x equals space 0 space t o space 10 right parenthesis space o f space c e n t r a l space m e t a l space i o n space i n space S t r o n g space f i e l d space left parenthesis space w i t h space l i g a n d s space l i k e space C N comma space N O subscript 2 space e t c right parenthesis space o c t a h e d r a l space c o m p l e x
i s space g i v e n space b y space minus

space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space bold italic C bold italic F bold italic S bold italic E bold thin space bold equals bold space bold left square bracket bold minus bold 0 bold. bold 4 bold italic p bold space bold plus bold 0 bold. bold 6 bold italic q bold right square bracket bold increment subscript bold 0 space space space space space w h e r e space p plus q space equals space x space left parenthesis p space i s space e l e c t r o n s space i n space t subscript 2 g end subscript space a n d space q space i s space e l e c t r o n s space i n space e subscript g space o r b i t a l s right parenthesis

D i f f e r e n c e space i s space minus space S t r o n g space f i e l d space l i g a n d s space c a u s e s space p a i r i n g space w h e r e a s space w e a k space f i e l d space d o e n space n o t space p a i r s space t h e space e l e c t r o n s.

G r e a t e r space t h e space v a l u e space o f space s t a b i l i t y space c o n s tan t left parenthesis K right parenthesis space s t r o n g e r space i s space t h e space l i g a n d space a n d space s t r o n g e r space i s space t h e space c o m p l e x.
Answered by Sumit Chakrapani | 07 Apr, 2019, 14:44: PM
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