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JEE Class main Answered

a spherical constat temperture heat source of radius r1 is at cntre of uniform solid sphere of radius r2 the rate at which heat is transfered through the surface of sphere is proptional tp
Asked by nikhilkatyala2003 | 09 Apr, 2020, 19:26: PM
answered-by-expert Expert Answer
A equals 4 pi r squared space... space left parenthesis A r e a space o f space s o l i d space s p h e r e right parenthesis
r space minus space r a d i u s space o f space s p h e r e
L e t space A subscript 1 space b e space a r e a space o f space s o l i d space s p h e r e space h a v i n g space r a d i u s space r subscript 1
T h u s comma space
A subscript 1 space end subscript equals space 4 πr subscript 1 superscript 2
Let space straight A subscript 2 space be space the space area space of space solid space sphere space having space radius space straight r subscript 2
straight A subscript 2 space end subscript equals space space 4 πr subscript 2 superscript 2
Thus comma space the space area space straight A space from space which space the space heat space is space being space transferred space through space surface space of space the space sphere space will space be space difference space of space area space
straight A space equals space straight A subscript 2 space minus straight A subscript 1 space
equals space space 4 πr subscript 2 superscript 2 minus space 4 πr subscript 1 superscript 2 space
equals 4 straight pi left parenthesis straight r subscript 2 superscript 2 minus space straight r subscript 1 superscript 2 space right parenthesis
We space know comma space the space rate space at space which space heat space is space transferred space through space slab space is space directly space proportional space to space area space straight A space and space temperature space difference space while space inversely
propotional space to space thickness space of space slab space
Thus comma space the space rate space at space which space the space heat space is space being space transferred space through space surface space of space sphere space is space proportional space to space left parenthesis straight r subscript 2 superscript 2 minus space straight r subscript 1 superscript 2 space right parenthesis
Answered by Shiwani Sawant | 10 Apr, 2020, 13:12: PM
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