CBSE Class 8: Hormones Videos | Human Endocrine System
Human Endocrine System
Endocrine glans in humans, Role of hormones in completing life cycle in frogs and insects
More videos from this chapter
View All- Important glands in human body A. Endocrine gland and where it is located B. hormone secreted C. main function and deficiency diseases
- Discuss the role of hormones
- whythe goitre diseses occure.?
- Q1 Why do adolescents suffer from pimple and breakouts?
- Why endocrine glands are called ductless glands?
- In girls, which hormone is produced by ovary during puberty? How does this hormone affect the mammary glands?
- Why pituitary gland is called as master gland?
- What is metamorphosis?
- Which disease is this child suffering from? Write its cause.
- Name one hormone secreted by: (a) Adrenal gland (b) Pituitary gland (c) Pancreas (d) Thyroid gland