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CBSE Class 10 Case Study Questions

For CBSE Class 10, the board has introduced Case-Study Questions, which will weigh around 30 per cent of the overall paper. The pattern will involve multiple-choice questions, source-based integrated questions, application-based questions in the new exam pattern. 


If attempted with an attentive mind, these case-study questions are considered the highest scoring part of the paper. Therefore, all CBSE Class 10 students must know how to deal with Case-Study questions and boost their preparation techniques with the best possible efforts. The questions are the basis for the practical applications of the concepts from the NCERT curriculum. Understanding the concepts and analytical skills are tested through these Case-Study questions. At present, each Case-study question has five sub-questions, each followed by four options. Students will have to answer the correct option for each sub-questions to score full marks in this section. 


Get full use of the TopperLearning resources and read the concepts thoroughly to attempt tricky case-study CBSE Class 10 Science Case Study Questions. To understand and explore math concepts and skills quickly, attempt CBSE Class 10 Maths Case Study Questions. To know Social Science skills' learning and preparation levels, do attempt CBSE Class 10 Social Studies Case Study Questions.


TopperLearning experts have also included the chapter-wise list of Case-Study questions in the sample paper section of the website. Check CBSE Class 10 Maths Case Study Questions for a chapter-wise list of the question bank. Similarly, CBSE Class 10 Science Case Study Questions will access the chapter-wise case-study questions of Physics, Chemistry and Biology subjects. CBSE Class 10 Social Studies Case Study Questions will access the bank of case-study questions of History, Civics and Geography.


TopperLearning have also included the Chapter-wise list of Case-Study questions for Maths, Science and Social Science in the Sample paper section of the website. These Case-Study questions are part of CBSE Class 10


Do not wait and grab a TopperLearnig subscription from the available CBSE Class 10 Plans! Once subscribed, students will access the CBSE Class 10 Maths, Science and Social Science Case-Study questions at CBSE Class 10 Case-Study questions.

Science Case-Study Qs


Maths Case-Study Qs